Press Releases for the assassination reviews

  • 722

    Internet Marketer Pulls Out All The Stops With Review and Bonuses for The Assassination

    The Assassination, which officially launches on August 17, 2010, is a complete training program for Internet Marketers in the area of Product Creation and running a Launch. Produced by Greg Jacobs, the creator of WP Mage, this IM training and coaching program takes participants though the steps of product creation, the sales letter, website, running a launch and creating a sustainable long-term income. This unique program provides needed intensive help to those new to online marketing or eve

    By : | 08-17-2010 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 722

  • 824

    Internet Marketer to Promote The Assassination with Secret Bonuses and a Few Surprises

    A new internet marketing product is about to hit the streets that is so unique and powerful that a participant has stepped forward with some powerful and surprising promotional bonuses.

    By : | 08-11-2010 | Architecture:Architecture | Total Views : 824